How to Use Zoom for the Homelands Gathering

What You’ll Need To Get Started

  • A computer, laptop, or mobile device
  • Good wifi connection. See here for minimum requirements and platform compatibility.
  • Your meeting ID # or the Secure Event Link 
  • A webcam, computer microphone, headphones
  • A phone (you can dial-in via a regular phone if you are unable to receive audio via your computer, laptop, or device)

How to Launch Zoom and Participate in the Event

Once you register to attend the Homelands Gathering and the event organizers approve of your participation, you’ll receive an email with the event link on the morning of Saturday August 15, which prompts you to launch Zoom. Please add to your email contact list so the link does not go to your spam folder. Because this may take several minutes to download, we recommend downloading the free web client (desktop/laptop) or mobile app ahead of time at 

A few minutes prior to 2pm EST on Saturday August 15, 2020, click the event link which will launch Zoom on your computer/device. Participants will be muted during the presentation portion of the event, but should double check their audio and video settings.

Testing Your Speakers

By clicking on the audio icon you can test your speakers to make sure they are working and you can hear others. Once you click on the “Test Speaker” button music will play through your speakers until you press stop. If you do not hear music playing please make sure you have the right audio output selected in the drop down menu to the right.

Video Settings

By clicking on the small arrow to the right of the video icon, a menu will appear. If you click on Video Settings at the bottom it will show you what your camera image actually looks like so you can make adjustments.


The chat feature provides the ability to send instant messages during the session. This will be used primarily for questions during the moderated Q&A with researchers, but can be used at any time during the event. Click on “Chat,” type a message and press “Enter” on your keyboard to send. Messages are sent to all participants by default. After the event the chat log will be downloaded in full, so any questions that were not addressed during the event will be answered on the secure portion of the PHP website.