Registration – Homelands Gathering 2020

  • Saturday August 15, 2020
  • 2pm – 5pm EST
  • Online event via Zoom
  • Event Registration ends on August 14, 3pm EST

This form will allow the event organizers to register you for the gathering. Only registered attendees will be sent information about log-in and passwords for this closed session. This event is intended for Lunaape/Lenape attendees. Please direct any questions to

The Homelands Gathering 2020 is an event co-organized by the Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation at Moraviantown), the Munsee Delaware Nation, the Ramapough Lunaape Nation, and the Public History Project (PHP) to come together, share in community, and exchange ideas.

This online event grows out of the Lunaape/Lenape Elders November 2018 meetings at the Park Avenue Armory supported by the Public History Project and the Price Institute at Rutgers University – Newark. The event will feature presentations of research, updates from each community, a video tour of sacred sites in the Ramapough Mountains, and performances from culture bearers.

The Gathering will be an opportunity to share what PHP has gleaned from colonial documents and studies and what can be useful for a Lunaape/Lenape reconstruction of original trails, sites, and ingenuity before Hudson’s arrival in 1609 and the disease and dispossession that settler colonialism triggered.